Capital Dynamics
Independence • Intelligence • Integrity
i Capital International Value Fund
Latest NAVi Capital International Value Fund
AUD 0.8077
Latest NAV (as at 28/02/2025)
i Capital Asia-Pacific ex-Japan BTB Fund
Latest NAVi Capital Asia-Pacific ex-Japan BTB Fund
AUD 1.0022
NAV (as at 28/02/2025)
i Capital ASEAN BTB Fund
Latest NAVi Capital ASEAN BTB Fund
AUD 0.8130
NAV (as at 28/02/2025)
About Capital Dynamics
A Short History
We believe that successful investing involves the 3 ‘i‘s – Independence, Intelligence and Integrity.
Why Capital Dynamics
Our value investment philosophy is best described as “Intelligently Eclectic.” What do we mean? Value investing has demonstrated itself as a superior investment approach over long periods of time.
Our team of professionals is headed by our highly experienced Managing Director, Tan Teng Boo. As a result of his fascination with the stock market, his working experience and academic background, he has, over more than three decades, acquired an uncanny insight into the global equity markets and the listed companies.
In the Media
Over the years, Capital Dynamics has been featured in various media. This section contains media coverage on the Capital Dynamics group of companies and its funds i Capital Global Fund, i Capital International Value Fund and the listed fund icapital.biz Berhad.
This is an ongoing and expanding archive, so come back once in a while to read up on what the mass media has said about us.
Contact Us
Capital Dynamics (Australia) Ltd
Suite 101, Level 1, 49-51 York Street Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Phone: (612) 9262 2621/36
Fax: (612) 9262 2729
Email: info@capitaldynamics.com.au
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